...by Insiders), NRD (National Registration Database) and NRS (National Registration Search). Improving the User Experience for Canadian Market Participants We have a vision of a seamless platform across Canada that...
...Retrieval (SEDAR), the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI) and the National Registration Database (NRD) to CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc. The transition was completed successfully on...
...include a consolidated reporting issuers list from all provincial and territorial regulators. Future phases of SEDAR+ will replace the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders, and the National Registration Database....
Vancouver – The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) is encouraging investors across Canada to use its National Registration Search (NRS) to check the registration of a firm or individual when considering...
...SEDAR and the National Registration Database (NRD) until the beginning of the cutover period, as well as filings on SEDAR+ and the NRD after the launch date. Filers will be...
...National Registration Database (NRD) filings. Details about how to apply the flat-fee model in SEDAR will be added to the SEDAR+ Launch page on June 5, 2023. On June 8,...
...the national Cease Trade Order (CTO) database, the Disciplined List (DL) database and certain filings currently made in paper or in the British Columbia Securities Commission’s eServices system and the...
ByteX Financial Ltd. et al operating as ByteX Crypto Asset Trading Platform Pre-Registration Undertaking (March 24, 2023) CatalX CTS Ltd. operating as CatalX Crypto Asset Trading Platform Pre-Registration Undertaking (March...
...and Retrieval (SEDAR), the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI) and the National Registration Database (NRD) (collectively, the CSA National Systems) to CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc....
...for Registration in Multiple Jurisdictions, will re place and streamline the current National Registration System and establish the process for obtaining registration in multiple jurisdictions, including Ontario. The foundation for...