Investor Warnings and Alerts

Here, you can consult CSA member investor alerts. The list is intended to assist the public and the securities industry in conducting due diligence. The subjects of these alerts are persons or companies who appear to be engaging in securities activities that may pose a risk to investors.

Showing results 25-48 of 3611 Investor Alerts
Name Issued By Issued Date Type
Xeodis AMF (QC)
Plusinvesting (no relation to Plus Investing, located at “”) BCSC (BC)
Optimumflows BCSC (BC)
Exodus Group FCAA (SK)
Kane LPI Solutions Ltd. ASC (AB)
Coindeep BCSC (BC)
Maple Bit BCSC (BC)
TheEssentialsTrust OSC (ON)
Wissix Trust Group OSC (ON)
Bitcoinsynergy OSC (ON)
Elite Financial Solutions Limited AMF (QC)
VictoryXcap AMF (QC)
CAT Consulting Inc. OSC (ON)
Premium Yields OSC (ON)
Guarantymor OSC (ON)
Ask2Bid OSC (ON)
Rich Point Capital OSC (ON)
Caldera Trade aka Caldera Tradepost OSC (ON)
Signet Trade OSC (ON)
TopFirstGroup OSC (ON)
Trojan Markets OSC (ON)
Showing results 25-48 of 3611 Investor Alerts