CSA Structure

As an informal body, the CSA functions through meetings, conference calls and day to day cooperation among the securities regulatory authorities. The CSA Chief Executives meet quarterly in person. The meetings are called and arranged by the Chair of CSA, and the location of the meetings rotates.

For more information, please see the CSA Terms of Reference.

Chair and Vice-Chair

The CSA Chief Executives appoint among them, by consensus, a CSA Chair and Vice-Chair for a three-year renewable term corresponding to the CSA business plan cycle. The current Chair is Mr. Stan Magidson, Chair and CEO of the Alberta Securities Commission. The Vice-Chair is Mr. David Cheop, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Manitoba Securities Commission.


The CSA established a permanent Secretariat in March 2004 in Montreal to provide the organizational stability necessary for CSA to function efficiently. It also monitors and coordinates the work of various CSA committees on policy initiatives. The Secretary General is Ms. Laura Belloni.

Policy Coordination Committee

The CSA established the Policy Coordination Committee in August 2003. Its members are the Chief Executive Officers of the eight regulators (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia). The Chair of the Policy Coordination Committee is Mr. Grant Vingoe, Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Securities Commission. The Policy Coordination Committee oversees CSA’s policy development initiatives and facilitates decision making. It acts as a forum for timely resolution of policy development issues, monitors ongoing issues and provides recommendations to the Chief Executive Officers for their resolution. The Policy Coordination Committee meets bi-weekly by conference calls.

CSA IT Systems Office

The CSA IT Systems Office manages the day-to-day operations, maintenance, and enhancement of the CSA’s national systems (SEDAR+, SEDI, and NRD).

CSA Standing and Project Committees

Each CSA member has its own staff who work on policy development and deliver regulatory programs through their participation in CSA Committees. There are permanent committees and project committees at CSA. Standing committees include, Executive Directors, Enforcement, Market Oversight, Registrant Regulation, Investment Funds and Investor Education. Project committees are formed to work on specific policy projects. They deal with subjects such as short and long form prospectuses, continuous disclosure, proportionate regulation, and investor confidence.