This report was developed to help firms reconcile their annual fees. The report gives a detailed account of all individual, branch and sub branch, firm category and participation fees for the Preliminary Annual Fee Notice or the Final Annual Fee Summary. The report can be run in three different sorting formats: 1) by individual, 2) by location, and 3) by “Fees paid for”.
1) By Individual
This report sorts and totals by individual registrants. The report outlines each individual registered and approved, their category(ies) of registration, each jurisdiction, and all renewal fees by individual.
2) By Location
This report sorts and totals by location (branch, sub branch or head office). The report outlines by location each individual registered and approved, their category(ies) of registration, each jurisdiction, and all renewal fees by location.
3) By “Fees paid for”
This report sorts and totals by the type of fee paid (Commission, IIROC office, NRD User Fee). The report outlines by type of fee, each individual registered and approved, their category(ies) of registration, and all renewal fees by type of fee.
The report can be run by:
1. log in to NRD,
2. select Admin Tools,
3. select Reports,
4. select Generate Annual Fee Detailed Report,
5. select the year-month combination from the year drop down list,
6. select Final Annual Fee Summary or Preliminary Annual Fee Notice from the summary type drop down list,
7. select Individual, Location or “Fees paid for” from the report type drop down list,
8. enter a location NRD number if you have selected Location type report and you wish to run the report for a given location,
9. select a “Fees paid for” type from the drop down list,
10. select a report output format: 1) PDF, 2) Excel or 3) CSV